
Showing posts from March, 2020


  Introduction   This website will serve as an introduction to some of the educational technology materials and resources that you will likely see in school classrooms and libraries.  It's only a small sample of the tech that is now available, but I've chosen the items that not only seem to hold the most promise for creative and innovative teaching and learning, but are also easy to learn and use, and relatively inexpensive. The Virginia Computer Science Standards of Learning      Before we start with the tech materials and resources, it's important to know a bit about the Computer Science (CS) SOL's.  They have been around for a couple of years, but school districts are just starting to talk about how they can be introduced into classrooms.  They are set for grades K-8 and some secondary CS courses.  There is no associated SOL test, but some local districts are developing Performance Tasks for the standards.  The focus in K-8 ...